Hirsutism and hypertrichosis. What can be done about it? Alexandrite laser.

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An innovative way to provide permanent relief from hirsutism is Alexandrite Laser Therapy at Laserazor in Berlin.
The solution: You suffer from hirsutism? Excessive hair growth?

Innovative option: relief from hirsutism by permanent and painless removal of dark and thick hair with alexandrite laser therapy at Laserazor in Berlin

Berlin, May 29, 2023 - Hirsutism is a hormonal disorder that causes women to grow excessive hair in unwanted areas of the body. Sufferers often suffer from dark and thick hair that can affect their self-confidence. An innovative way to provide lasting relief from hirsutism is Alexandrite Laser Therapy at Laserazor in Berlin. This painless treatment can effectively remove dark and thick hair.

Alexandrite laser therapy is an advanced method in which the laser beam is directed specifically at the dark hair. The laser emits short pulses that are absorbed by the melanin contained in the hair. This leads to heating of the hair root and eventual destruction of the hair follicle. The surrounding skin remains largely unaffected.

Alexandrite laser therapy at Laserazor in Berlin can permanently remove dark and thick hair. The treatment directly targets the hair follicles, preventing hair regrowth. In this way, women suffering from hirsutism can achieve permanent relief and a smoother skin appearance.

What makes Alexandrite Laser Therapy particularly attractive is its painless nature. Through innovative technology and a trained team of professionals, the laser beam is adjusted to precisely and gently treat hair follicles without damaging the surrounding skin. This allows patients to experience the treatment in a pleasant and relaxed way, without feeling any unpleasant pain.

Laserazor in Berlin is a renowned facility specializing in aesthetic treatments. The experienced team at Laserazor offers not only Alexandrite Laser Therapy, but also comprehensive consultation and care for women with hirsutism. Each patient is treated individually to achieve the best results and ensure an optimal treatment experience.

Overall, Alexandrite laser therapy at Laserazor in Berlin offers an innovative and effective way to permanently and painlessly remove dark and thick hair in hirsutism. Through the targeted destruction of the hair follicles, affected women can be offered noticeable relief and increased self-confidence. If you suffer from hirsutism and are looking for a long-term solution, Alexandrite Laser Therapy is definitely a treatment option worth considering.

How do we solve your problem?

1. you arrange a free free trial appointment with us on site in Berlin or Munich. Together we will take a brief medical history of your problems and treat an area of your choice completely free of charge, without any costs or obligations.

2. We will create an individual treatment plan for you if you would like to make further appointments.

3. One day before your treatment, you shave the affected area of skin.

4. The moment of truth: we will remove your hair roots and hair permanently and painlessly!

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